Intoit is more than the creator  of a game series, a YouTube channel or a platform—it's a lifestyle immersed with our own highest potentials. We are dedicated to harnessing the power of nature to empower both ourselves and our planet. The parent company, Enscite LLC, is a climate innovation biotech company, which strives to create sustainable solutions that honor and protect the natural world.  It soon became clear,  that the foundation of our climate issue began with and evolved from the mindset of our current civilization.

Join us on this extraordinary journey as we embrace the beauty of nature and unlock the limitless potential within ourselves. Together, let's cultivate a deeper understanding of our world and pave the way for a more harmonious future.


As the founder, I'm a philosopher-scientist-physician deeply inspired by the richness and diversity of the Universe's ecosystems, and it's capacity to expand our own nature when we consciously harmonize with it.


Enscite LLC is a climate innovation biotech company founded in 2021 that values a wholistic perspective of evolution, creating biotech solution that empower change without compromising the health of the environment or the human populations.

Intoit is the lifestyle arm of the company, sharing solutions that render inner climate change, empowerment and enlightenment.

Shen was not initially intended for public consumption. It's development evolved naturally from attempting to decode my own natal chart challenges. I was astounded as I walked through my own natal topography how insightful and explicit is was orienting me toward my authentic path.